Cristina's Idaho Romanian Connection
Romania, farewell!
I am the first generation in my family to have left Romania and become an American citizen. My husband, I and my 8 months old son left in 1990, a few months after the Revolution that toppled the Communist regime of Nicolae Ceausescu.
Even though my husband had requested to leave the country 8 years before, and even though he had the American Visa, the Romanian authorities would not allow us to leave. There was no freedom to move around as one pleased in the old Romania. It took the revolution for the gates that kept Romanians imprisoned for 44 years to open.
Hello America!
It was with anxiety and a lot of mixed feelings that we made it here to Boise, Idaho, after an arduous journey. I was leaving my parents, sister and extended family behind, but I was excited to build a new life here. We didn’t choose Idaho, Idaho chose us. At the time, there weren’t a lot of immigrants in the area, and INS wanted to spread us around. Idaho is on the same parallel as Romania, climatically alike, except for the high desert we don’t have back there, so that didn’t take a lot of getting used to. The culture shock, that was another matter, entirely!
The Romanian community here wasn’t very large: I believe there were only 4-5 other families/individuals. Although we are more numerous now, especially in Nampa, there is still not a lot of closeness, and we are not organized in a Club of any kind. There are once a year Christmas/New Year’s get togethers, but my goal with this is to appeal to Romanians from all over the country/continent, and be their welcome person, were they ever to relocate here. Also, I would like to start a Forum, where we can exchange ideas, reminisce, remember the Romanian food, culture, language. Keep the country of our origin alive in our souls, so that our children are not totally devoid of that rich culture, which made us who we are.
And now, something from the past, and in view of the coming Paste. Recipe courtesy of Radu Anton Roman:
Mãcinici moldovenesti (copti):
• 1 kg fãinã • 500 ml apã • 1 linguritã sare
• 2 lingurite drojdie • untdelemn pentru uns tava
• 4 linguri miez de nucã mãcinat (sau cât vã place)
• 6 lingurite zahãr (miere) – sau cât vã place
• zahãr vanilat • 1 ceascã apã
• Se frãmântã un aluat dospit ca de pâine din fãinã, apã, sare si
drojdie, se lasã la crescut 20 de minute
• Se rãsucesc ,,snururi“ de cocã de circa 1 cm grosime în formã de
• Se pun la copt într-o tavã cu ulei
• Se fierbe apã cu miere pânã se îngroasã, se adaugã la sfârsit zahãrul
vanilat, se toarnã peste mãcinici
• Se presarã miez de nucã, se lasã sã se înmoaie
Facem azi foarte multe lucruri fãrã sã le stim sensul magic initial. E atât de
emotionant dar si atât de nelinistitor lucrul acesta, încât te poti clãtina si ne-ntelege.
Gospodina care pune un ban sãrbãtoresc în colãceii de 9 martie, ca sã vadã
cui cade norocul în acel an, nu stie întotdeauna cã, pentru o clipã, e sorã bunã
cu strãbunica ei neoliticã, ce se închina la Terra Mater, cu sclava spartanã
cerând ajutor Herei si lui Artemis din Panteonul grec, cu matroana de lângã
altarul Junonei romane, cu tãranca geto-latinã invocând-o înfricosatã pe
Dochia din mitologia româno-precrestinã care, toate, de-a lungul a mii de
ani, au trãit aceeasi ceremonie ezotericã sau sacramentalã la venirea Anului
Nou Agrar, la începutul primãverii, prin acelasi colãcel, cu un bãnut al norocului.
Aflarea norocului la mãcinici însemna prepararea unei turte din fãinã de
grâu în ziua de 9 martie, Anul Nou Agrar în Calendarul Popular, în care se
introduce în timpul frãmântatului, o monedã de argint sau de aur. Dupã coacerea
aluatului în cuptor sau în test, turta se taie în bucãþi egale si se împarte la
membrii familiei. Persoana care gãseste moneda în bucata primitã e cea mai
norocoasã din casã (Gorj, Mehedinti).
Don’t forget : for anything Romanian in the Treasure Valley, contact me @ 284-1545 or
Do you remember these? The good, the bad, the not so pretty...
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