Can 1031 exchange on your property work for you?

Can 1031 exchange on your property work for you?

Find out if a 1031 exchange on your property could work for you. Contact your CPA then get in touch with Ava 208/440/5810 or Cristina 208/284/1545 for selling and finding another property. 

The Best $500.00 You Will Ever Spend

Money for home maintenance.
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Is your property declining in value? Put a stop to it now.

Yes! You can be in control of your property no matter where you live.

~ Get professionals to service your property, not the jack of all trades, masters of none “maintenance” people property management companies employ.

The way to do this?

~ Set yourself up with HOW policy
~ Keep your stress level down and your property up in this easy, efficient, ever-popular manner

Contact Ava or Cristina for other ways you can save literally hundreds of dollars every month and be in control of your current tenants, future applicants and most of all your valuable property.

5 Main Points Every Purchase Contract Should Cover lists five main points every purchase contract should cover.


  1. Legally competent buyer & seller.
  2. Offer & acceptance.
  3. Consideration
  4. Description.
  5. Consent, dates & times.

Don’t risk your property and money on a questionable transaction.  Always consult your attorney and accountant when considering entering into a contract.

You can rely on Ava & Cristina to guide you every step of the way in procuring your next home or selling your current property.

Combined experience of 58 years means a lot. Don’t hesitate to call, text or email with any questions or concerns.

Ava 208-440-5810


News from the Boise Real Estate Market

Attention Buyers and Sellers! The market is still going strong, and steadily climbing upwards. The very good news is that the reasons the prices are going up are legitimate ones, like consumer demand, lack of inventory and the higher prices of new construction. That shelters us from a strong downward spiral correction in the future, since the higher prices aren’t driven by speculation as it was the case 10 years ago.

Some June stats: the median sales price in Ada County grew by 8.7% over last year, and by 12.4% in Canyon County. The average time the properties spend on the market is lower as well, by 13.2% in Ada County and by 9.4% in Canyon County. Homes are selling quickly, and that means less time for the sellers to have the inconvenience of buyers coming through and keep the property in showing-room condition all the time. It’s exhausting

All this is good news for sellers, as we are in a strong seller’s market, that doesn’t show any signs of changing soon, and good information for the buyers to keep in mind: if you are serious about a property, don’t wait, don’t think you will have a few days to think about it, because you won’t, it will go before you know it! Also, make your stronger offer from the beginning, even if it’s not at the asking price, and document that offer to the best of your and your agent’s ability. Make sure that your have the funds available, and present that proof to the seller with your offer, if you are making a cash offer, or that you are pre-qualified if you are getting a mortgage. The more proof of your solidity as a buyer you can offer, and the better you make the offer look, the better your chance to getting the house of your dreams. Good luck to all the buyers out there, and if Ava or I can help in any way, don’t hesitate to contact us.


Cristina Pescaru Boise RealtorContact Boise Realtor, Cristina Pescaru, to find your Boise, Idaho home.

Pledge to Clients: Experience * Loyalty * Commitment * Care


Don’t Pay For Cracked or Damaged Curbs Until You Read This

cracked sidewalk

Do you have cracked or damaged curbs or sidewalks?

You may qualify for funds if your sidewalk has the following issues:

[su_list icon=”icon: check”]

  • Cracks from tree roots that are planted between street and  sidewalk
  • Heaving concrete
  • Sunken sidewalk behind a curb
  • Sunken sidewalk over utility ditch
  • Tree that was removed due to expansive roots has left a hole where sidewalk was


You may have another unique circumstance; each case is looked into & carefully reviewed.

You could save thousands and improve your property surroundings. Contact Boise Realtors Ava Tong or Cristina Pescaru  about how you can get on the list for possible concrete repair at no cost to you.

7 Reasons to Work With a Realtor

Boise Realtor answers the question - Why Work with a RealtorWhy Work With a Professional Realtor?

Boise Idaho Realtor – Ava Tong, Gold Key Real Estate

Realtors are professional members of the National Association of REALTORS®, they are not just agents. Realtors subscribe to a strict code of ethics. Home buyers appreciate the expertise provided by a knowledgeable Realtor, and clearly see the following benefits when working with a qualified Realtor:

  1. An expert guide.
    Selling a home usually requires dozens of forms, reports, disclosures, and other technical documents. A knowledgeable expert will help you prepare the best deal, and avoid delays or costly mistakes. Also, there’s a lot of jargon involved, so you want to work with a professional who can speak the language.
  2. Objective information and opinions.
    REALTORS® can provide local information on utilities, zoning, schools, and more. They also have objective information about each property. REALTORs® can use that data to help you determine if the property has what you need.
  3. Property marketing power.
    Property doesn’t sell due to advertising alone. A large share of real estate sales comes as the result of a practitioner’s contacts with previous clients, friends, and family. When a property is marketed by a REALTOR®, you do not have to allow strangers into your home. Your REALTOR® will generally prescreen and accompany qualified prospects through your property.
  4. Negotiation knowledge.
    There are many factors up for discussion in a deal. A REALTOR® will look at every angle from your perspective, including crafting a purchase agreement that allows you the flexibility you need to take that next step.
  5. Up-to-date experience.
    Most people sell only a few homes in a lifetime, usually with quite a few years in between each sale. Even if you’ve done it before, laws and regulations change. REALTORS® handle hundreds of transactions over the course of their career.
  6. Your rock during emotional moments.
    A home is so much more than four walls and a roof. And for most people, property represents the biggest purchase they’ll ever make. Having a concerned, but objective, third party helps you stay focused on the issues most important to you.
  7. Ethical treatment.
    Every REALTOR® must adhere to a strict code of ethics, which is based on professionalism and protection of the public. As a REALTOR®’s client, you can expect honest and ethical treatment in all transaction-related matters.

Large Network of Tried, Tested and True Real Estate Service in Boise Idaho Real Estate Market

Boise, Idaho Professional Realtor Ava Tong is ready to put her expertise and knowledge to work for you. When you are ready to buy a home in the Treasure Valley, get in touch with Ava.

Why are we the best agents in the Boise area? Get the answer.

Ava Tong, Boise Idaho RealtorContact Boise Realtor, Ava Tong, to find your Boise, Idaho home.



Boise Real Estate – See, I Told You So!

By Cristina Pescaru, CSP
Real Estate Consultant
Boise, Idaho

Boise Real Estate House for Sale - SoldI am referring to the fact that for the last couple of years I have been trying to convince people to purchase when they found something they liked, and not wait for the better deal. Now, nationwide, people are starting to realize that the much vaunted “buyer’s market” is not quite as friendly to buyers as they thought. Don’t take my word for it: reports that inventory is at its lowest point in four years. 

And the reasons are:

  • Sellers who can afford to ride out this slow, unfavorable market are doing so.
  • Foreclosed properties are not hitting the market in the great numbers people anticipated, not only because the process is a slow one, but also because banks may be a little reluctant to unleash a great number of foreclosures on the market at the same time, afraid of what that would do to property values.

Boise Housing Market

From my recent work experience with buyers here in the valley I can tell you that nice, affordable homes are few and far between, and competition is great for them. They last only a few days on the market, especially if they are regular sales, and sometimes they command more than the asking price. The housing market is behaving a little contradictory: on the one hand, you see properties selling as in 2004-2006, and on the other the values are down, foreclosed properties linger on the market, and short sales are not moving much faster than they used to.

Boise Home Buyers

Buyers, if you find a house you like, and the financing is in place, move quickly. Waiting for that fantastic bargain is just going to prove the truth of the saying about the bird in the hand vs. the one on the fence. Of course, that doesn’t mean you and your agent should not research the property, the price and comparative values, so that you make the best and fairest offer.

Good hunting all! And, don’t forget: we are here to help.


1. Beach/ ocean Beach/Ocean View
2. Snow capped mountains Snow capped mountains view
3. Quiet neighborhood street lined with trees Quiet neighborhood
4. Expanse of farmland as far as the eye can see Farmland View
5. Children happily running through a sprinkler Kids running through sprinkler

WHAT  snow capped mountains viewHOUSE  WINDOW  VIEW  DOES A  MAN  PREFER?



**Snow capped mountains—here’s to all you hot-blooded men!




Women prefer view of quiet neighborhood


**Quiet neighborhood with tree lined street—there’s no place like home…

Call or email Ava or Cristina today with your list of requirements for your next home in Boise or anywhere in the Treasure Valley.  Ava: 208-440-5810  email: or Cristina: 208-284-1545  email: