2 Idaho Guests Every Homeowner Hates!
Western Subterranean Termite
2 out of 5 homes in the Treasure Valley; Boise, Nampa, Caldwell, Meridian, Kuna, Star, Eagle are being infested by these destructive creatures.
Spring is active time for the “alates” as they fly over a wide range to search for their mate, then quickly find a warm moist home with plenty of food, (your wood) to feed their fast growing multiplying family.
All it takes for them to enter your home is a tiny crack or opening in your siding or around foundations. They are voracious eaters that can quickly eat through the center of wood leaving only an outer shell that will crumble.
If you have areas of high moisture and warmth or where water enters siding, be aware these critters could have infested your home. They love humidity and temperatures of 75-95 degrees. If you see long mud tubes anywhere on your walls these are their travel tunnels.
IMPORTANT! If you find signs of these pests DO NOT disturb them. For they will secretly find another area to invade, thus making it even more difficult to get rid of them.
Call your pest control company right away. Image credit: Termite.com
Powder Post Beetle
These nasty critters have a very appropriate name; Powder Post Beetle because they leave powdered wood at the base of their destruction; the wood they are feasting on. Late winter and early spring is when they start their cycle of destruction.
They lay eggs in cracks, pores, holes and crevices of wood. Especially vulnerable is untreated wood; like hardwood flooring and timber that has been unfinished. Basement support timbers, unfinished walls and wood are widely affected.
Painted, stained polished and finished/treated wood does not attract these destructive pests. Be sure you have no raw wood laying around or in your crawlspace. If you see evidence of their activity; wood powder, take action right away.
Call your pest control company as soon as possible. Image credit Wikipedia
Be sure to contact Ava or Cristina regarding all your other real estate concerns.
Filed under: Home Buyer/Seller Tidbits • Idaho
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